Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Future's So Bright...I Gotta Wear Shades!!...

Another challenge down over at's Summer of ScrapLovin' contest....and once again, it WAS a challenge.....especially photographing it!! I must have taken 50 shots of this thing!! The challenge was to do a layout using a transparency as a background....also incorporating a song title or lyrics into the title.

Breathing a HUGE sigh of relief that this one is wrapping up!! This one nearly knocked me for a loop!! Partly because as I was working on a layout for this challenge and as I was minutes from finishing it....I realized that I had absent mindedly picked up a sketch that was on my desk and I was using it for that layout. ARGH!! For this contest, we had SPECIFICALLY been asked NOT to use sketches for our layouts. I had to start over from scratch late yesterday afternoon...the day it was DUE. THEN, getting a picture of this thing has been HARD. I really wanted a good pic of the transparent layout, but I am afraid that just was not happen....especially since the natural sunlight was long since gone by the time I finished it last night, LOL!! The good news is, I like this layout almost as much as the one I originally was working on for this challenge....YAY!! I did go back and take a new picture of it this morning now that the sun is shinning and I like it much better...PHEW!

Just look at little Grant (goes by Lenard now, but it was Grant back then)!! These photos were taken 10 years ago!!!!

This is a scan of the layout with a white piece of paper behind the transparency.

The journaling under the photo is a line of lyrics from the song that I used as my title. "Things are going great, and they're only getting better." Then all the words on the transparency (it is by K & Co.) are things that the future holds for him!! Thanks for looking!

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