Monday, November 30, 2009

Lenard's First Jr. High Concert....

Again, this concert was a while back, but I am just now able to upload the videos.

I love to hear Lenard sing!! He is also going to have a holiday concert soon....on Dec. 10th at 7pm at the Fremont auditorium. All are welcome to come and hear!!!

Come Travel with Me

Who Will Be a Witness

My Girl His glasses fell out of his pocket before he went on stage. He was very worried about it at the time, but he pulled it off nicely!!

He also had another concert early in November at Red Mountain high school. It was called young lions, and the choirs from Fremont and Shepherd (and some of the elementary schools too) sang with Red Mountains Choir. It was AWESOME! Wish I had recorded some of it, but the video camera was at home.


nance said...

Grant you did such an Awesome job at the Concert. I am glad I was able to make it there buddy.

The Carpenter Family said...

That was so fun to watch! I love to hear kids sing!