Monday, March 9, 2009


WOW, Saturday was a long and FUN day!! We had an AWESOME showing of support for Jon! Aunt Nancy, Uncle Rob, and Grandma and Grandpa all came out to watch!

Jons first tournament of the season was at Red Mountain High School. Lennie took him down at 8am to weigh in, and then it was a whole lot of hurry up and WAIT! He did not wrestle until close to 11am I think. Nancy was there the WHOLE time waiting. I got there with the other kids close to 10am and Grandma/Grandpa and Rob came shortly after that. Once the wrestling got underway, it was a whole lot of fun and adrenaline.....for Jon AND us up in the stands.....HOLY COW. Jon did FABULOUS!! He put his WHOLE self into it. He was exhausted at the end of the day. Lennie and Uncle Rob were down on the mat with him. He wrestled 3 matches (he was supposed to wrestle 4, but the 4th kid puked before the match and went home). He got a bronze MEDAL!! He is so proud of it! I took pictures of the first match (which he lost, but his coach said was scored incorrectly and he should have won), and video of the 2nd (which he won).

I used Grant's digital camera to shoot the footage, and I am not that great of a videographer while I am trying to watch the match as I didn't get some of the "good stuff", LOL!!

I was trying to take a picture of this, but it was still set to video, but this is both boys at the end of the match....exhausted.

The parents of the kid Jon was wrestling in this video came up to us afterwards and congratulated Jon and told him he was really good (the dad was a coach). Then Jon and Lane (the kid) talked a bit. It was pretty cool.

Saturday morning is wrestling in ShowLow. My cousin Raine has a son who will be wrestling in that tournament as well, and we look forward to seeing them there!!

Don't forget that Friday night Lenard has a concert, we are really looking forward to that!! He has been working really hard for the last couple of months!!

PS - if you are ever at a match and have trouble locating Jon....just look for the WHITEST kid there, LOL!! ;0)


Sanderella said...

That made me tired watching it!
Love the cheerleading, Christi, ha ha! Was that your dad cheering too?

Unknown said...

Wow, those kids looked tired! Thats a lot of energy I can tell. Good job Jon!