Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's been a long time....

...since all EIGHT of my parents children have been together at one time. Since May of 2004!! People moved out of state, there were missions, etc....but last week, somewhat spur of the moment, it just sort of happened!! All my siblings and thier children were here in town. We had to take pics!!!

Me with my brothers and sisters

All of our children...there are 17!!

All of us with our families: (2 of the husbands were not able to be here...)

It also just so happens that my dad was out of town this week HUGE BUMMER, but like I said it was somewhat unexpected. Hopefully it is not 6 more years until we do it again!!!


Dece said...

Beautiful family! I love the pics Christi! :)

Julie said...

Love it! All 7 of us are supposed to get together this summer. It will be the first time in 32 years!!

One tired mama said...

Love all the pictures, especially of all the kids. What a beautiful family you have.

Mom/Grandma said...

Christi, Thank you for posting. Thank you for bringing your camera. Thank you for your awesome family. I love them all. The pictures are awesome.

Amy said...

That's so fun! Glad that you got to take pictures of that one.